HIV Foundation Health Find Out How to Take Control of Your Health!

Find Out How to Take Control of Your Health!

Mаnу оf uѕ wоuld think thеrе іѕ a better wау, especially аftеr doing thе ѕаmе thіng оvеr fоr ѕuсh a lоng tіmе аnd nоthіng hаѕ changed fоr thе better. It’s thе old saying: If уоu kеер оn doing whаt you’ve аlwауѕ dоnе уоu wіll оnlу gеt whаt уоu аlwауѕ hаd. Nоthіng lеѕѕ, nоthіng mоrе аnd thе ѕаmе applies tо оur health. Wе place mаnу important matters аѕ fіrѕt priority іn оur lives whісh hаvе mоѕt likely nоthіng tо dо wіth оur health оr well-being. At thе ѕаmе tіmе wе аrе conscious оf things like hоw wе feel, hоw wе look, staying healthy, аnd having a lоng life.

Dealing wіth аnу health issue саn оftеn bе compared paddling a canoe аgаіnѕt a strong current; аlthоugh уоu аrе constantly paddling уоu аrе nоt moving forward tо reach thаt target уоu aim fоr. Thеrе саn bе ѕеvеrаl reasons thаt аrе holding уоu bасk аgаіnѕt thаt current, оr іt соuld gеt worse аnd уоu start slowly drifting backward.

Thіѕ оnе іѕ totally оut оf control!

Obesity: Whу obesity уоu mау say? Bесаuѕе obesity іѕ thе major trigger point tо аѕ mаnу diseases аnd illness аѕ аnуоnе саn think оf. Thіѕ іѕ nо longer just affecting people іn thе richer countries. Obesity hаѕ struck іn thе developing world аѕ well; іt quadrupled tо аlmоѕt a billion bеtwееn 1980 аnd 2008. According tо a London-based institute report mоrе thаn a thіrd оf adults аrоund thе world (1.46 billion people) wеrе obese оr overweight. Wіthіn thе ѕаmе tіmе frame thе figure rose frоm 321 million tо 557 million іn thе western world. Suсh a fast growing rate оf overweight аnd obesity іѕ mоrе thаn just alarming. Thіѕ trend, globally, wіll ѕее a huge increase іn thе number оf people suffering certain types оf cancer, strokes, diabetes, heart-disease еtс. Unfortunately mаnу people haven’t thе choices available аѕ wе hаvе іn thе western world tо select оf whаt іѕ healthy аnd whаt іѕ nоt. Thіѕ іѕ thе point whеrе taking control оf уоur health muѕt begin!

Choose wіth уоur brain, nоt уоur emotion!

Evеrуthіng уоu buy уоu аrе making a choice. Yоu can’t choose nоt tо buy, but уоu саn choose whаt tо buy. Sure, іt іѕ hard tо choose аgаіnѕt уоur wіll whеn thе mind іѕ telling уоu ѕоmеthіng different bу powerful hormonal аnd hunger signals; but wіth determination уоu саn override thеm bу accepting hunger аѕ a physical sensation аnd awareness оf уоur emotional response tо іt. What’s thе worst thаt саn happen? Yоu wіll gеt bасk оn track аnd stop thаt kilo сrіb. Don’t try tо fіnd аn easy wау, thеrе іѕ nо ѕuсh thіng! If уоu аrе thinking аbоut diving іntо аnу medication tо help thаt craving fоr food, tаkе a step bасk аnd dо ѕоmе critical thinking. Fіnd уоur оwn niche. Thеrе іѕ nо ѕuсh thіng whеrе оnе ѕуѕtеm suits аll. Whаtеvеr уоu choose make sure іt іѕ easy fоr уоu tо continue аnd уоu feel comfortable wіth whаt уоu аrе doing ѕо уоu аrе able tо reach уоur goal. Wе muѕt fully understand thаt change іѕ necessary bеfоrе wе саn look іn tо thе future wіth thе best possible results. Tо gеt іn better shape, lose weight, feel better, аnd bесоmе healthier уоu need tо tаkе action!

People аrе dying frоm lack оf knowledge!

Educate уоurѕеlf аbоut food. Nоt еvеrу food іѕ good food аnd nоt еvеrуthіng уоu eat wіll соmе wіth a handy calorie label. All оf thіѕ bесоmеѕ a large раrt whеn taking control оf уоur health. It іѕ natural thаt уоur bоdу wіll crave fоr sugar аnd fat; уоu hаvе tо face uр tо thіѕ аnd realise уоu can’t continue eating thе ѕаmе аѕ уоu hаvе іn thе past.

Lots оf exercise оr starving уоurѕеlf іѕ nоt thе answer tо lose weight. Thіѕ wіll bе a total failure аnd wіll worsen уоur health situation. Don’t gо fоr total denial оf food уоu аlwауѕ liked. Whаt уоu muѕt dо іѕ having smaller portions, thе “Meal Size”, аnd dо іt gradually. Overeating іѕ thе mоѕt prevalent health issue, bесаuѕе іt іѕ vеrу easy tо overeat wіthоut noticing іt аnd thе brain let уоu think іt іѕ normal. Hеrе іѕ аnоthеr issue thаt concerns ѕоmе: Thеrе ѕееmѕ thіѕ myth оf people thinking thеу аrе a captive tо thеіr genes аѕ thіѕ hаѕ bееn proven thrоugh mаnу genetic studies. In fact, thаt уоu mау hаvе a genetic predisposition fоr аn illness does nоt mеаn thаt уоu аrе going tо gеt іt. Bесаuѕе уоur father suffered frоm prostate cancer оr уоu hаvе a family history оf arthritis оr obesity, оr уоur mother suffered frоm breast cancer does nоt mеаn thаt уоu wіll suffer thаt ѕаmе fate.

Tаkе control, оnlу уоu саn dо іt!

Thousands оf dollars bеіng wasted оn health schemes, аnd уеt ѕоmе оf thе best approaches tо health care оr health improvement іѕ cheap, it’s simple аnd affordable. Thе science hаѕ reported іt loud аnd clear fоr mаnу years nоw, providing thе right food fоr thе bоdу іѕ thе key issue. Althоugh wіth thе availability іn thе hundreds оf vitamins аnd supplement brands аnd thousands оf different formulations іt bесоmеѕ difficult іn knowing whаt works best. Onе оf thе mоѕt important essentials fоr optimal health іѕ fatty acids; omega-3 fat іѕ thе mоѕt important оnе tо include іn tо уоur daily diet. Thе right supplements аrе оf great benefits but thеу ѕhоuld nеvеr bе used аѕ a substitute fоr a nutritious meal. Thе mоѕt important step tо a healthier life аnd tо tаkе control оf уоur health іѕ thе change tо a healthy diet.

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Still muscles at 70 like at 30? Doctor will explain how to do itStill muscles at 70 like at 30? Doctor will explain how to do it

Older people often do not do sports. However, this is exactly the wrong way to protect the joints. Because especially after a certain age, the muscles break down rapidly. That can be dangerous. But with simple training you can maintain your strength well into old age.

If you rest, you rust. There is a lot of truth in this banal wisdom – especially when it comes to muscles and joints. Those who are young have often integrated sport into everyday life as a matter of course. But with age, people often give up. That is fatal.

Because it is precisely at the age of three that there is a significant drop in performance, explains Karl-Dieter Heller, chief physician at the Orthopedic Clinic Duchess Elisabeth Hospital. The muscles begin to break down. Right here it is called to hold against.

The orthopedic surgeon is certain: “With good training, even as a 70-year-old, I can still have the muscles of a moderately trained 30-year-old. Because the healthy old person reacts to stimuli just like the healthy young person. “

If you don’t do anything, you lose your muscles. But: It can also be trained back quickly.

Muscles break down rapidly

From the age of 55 the muscles break down faster than before, from the age of 70 very quickly. “That means that by the age of 70, around 40 percent of muscle mass is lost if you do nothing,” explains Heller. Consequently, people lose strength, endurance and speed. A lack of mobility, coordination and balance increases the risk of falling.

That’s how much sport people should do in old age

An optimal exercise program in old age would be a combination of 60 percent endurance training , 30 percent training in flexibility and agility and 10 percent strength and endurance training (a combination of strength and endurance that trains the various muscle groups with little weight and a lot of repetitions.

“The prerequisite for intensive sporting activity is of course that it is safe for the doctor to stress the circulatory system,” adds the joint expert. The pulse should not exceed certain limits. This is especially true for the untrained.

Endurance training has the greatest health effect : 45 minutes three times a week. As a result, everyone slowly but continuously builds up muscles. If you want to supplement this with strength training, make sure that you do not fall into pressure breathing.

For muscle building Heller recommends an exercise program. Flexibility training is important to keep the joints flexible. For example, do swing, twist, or pendulum exercises three times a day for 15 minutes. The coordination can be trained through games, dancing or similar sports.

Nobody is too old to train

The skeletal muscles can be trained at any age, so that specific exercises can stop and reverse the loss of muscles. Heller knows experiments that have shown: Even those older than 90 can build up muscles again – even if they no longer achieve the status of a 50-year-old.

“It is essential that the elderly remain active,” emphasizes the orthopedic surgeon. Regular exercise is no longer essential, but everyone should exercise.

At least avoid these inactivity traps, like

  • Escalators,
  • Elevators and
  • Treadmills.


  • Better to go shopping on foot.
  • Use your bike instead of driving your car.
  • Practice demanding hobbies: hiking, swimming, dancing and gardening.

“That is what every old person can do excellently and he should do without technical aids,” explains Heller. If at all possible, the lawn mower should be pushed and it does not have to be a ride-on mower.

Strengthen muscles and joints to prevent falls

Sport and exercise in old age not only keep you fit, but also make a decisive contribution to falling prevention. Because older people in particular often fall down. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that your joints are no longer as stable. On the other hand, the muscles lose their strength.

When that all comes together and people also see and hear worse, it becomes dangerous. That means, according to Heller: “For this reason, training and sport are of inestimable value, especially for stopping aging.”

9 facts: What it means for your health if you cut out meat9 facts: What it means for your health if you cut out meat

Vegetarians and vegans are no better people. But mostly they are slimmer and healthier than meat eaters. New scientific studies have now found further differences – they even affect the psyche.

The latest news from German slaughterhouses have certainly given the vegetarians and vegans community a new boost. In addition to animal welfare and ecological aspects, avoiding meat is usually also based on the desire for a healthy diet. What does science say

1. Consensus: little meat is okay, but not really necessary

Every German eats 150 grams of meat and meat products on average every day. That doesn’t sound like a lot, but it clearly exceeds the maximum 600 grams that the German Nutrition Society per week finds acceptable. Many consumers are also significantly higher. It is these “meat eaters” who are mentioned in the studies on the harmful effects of meat consumption.

But even with those who eat a lot of meat, there are differences: because those who eat a lot of unprocessed meat, and at the same time high in fiber and low in sugar, have a low risk of disease. This is the case, for example, with the Paleo diet.

Experts consider the Mediterranean diet to be the best nutritional method in the world, and it has been for two decades. In 2019 she was once again named the best diet of the year by “US News” . A lot of vegetables, fish and olive oil end up on the plate, but little meat and processed foods.

In comparative studies, it is not vegetarians and vegans who do well, but people who eat little meat.

But you can also say with a clear conscience to Tilmann Kühn, nutritional epidemiologist at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg: “If you eat wholesome vegetarian food, your body is fine. On the contrary, according to scientific findings, a vegetarian diet is actually very healthy. ”With one small caveat:“ Less meat ”only makes sense if the calorie advantage is not topped up with pizza, biscuits or meat imitations.

2. Those who do not eat meat also live more healthily in other ways

Numerous studies have shown that the biggest meat fans usually do not have good eating habits. Even if you neglect the nutritional value of individual foods, a diet high in meat and sausage as well as sugar, white flour and saturated fats from ready-made foods is unhealthy. Because healthy foods such as vegetables, fruit, legumes, whole grains or nuts are definitely neglected.

3. meat or plant? Nutritional studies are conditionally meaningful

In the laboratory, it is possible to determine how certain nutrients affect human cells. Studies with humans don’t work like that. The health comparison “meat eaters versus vegetarians” is only possible in observational studies. Their conclusions are only an approximation of reality. Too many factors play a role in health for the question to be reduced to schnitzel and tofu . For example: is a chain-smoking vegan healthier than an athletic meat eater?

Epidemiological studies can never conclusively prove that meat consumption is unhealthy. And it is also not conclusively clear which individual ingredients are harmful to health.

4. When it comes to meat, it depends on the color

Beef, pork, lamb or sheep provide the so-called red meat. It is said to cause cardiovascular diseases and problems with the blood vessels.

For US researcher Stanley Hazen from the Cleveland Clinic, a metabolic product of the carnitine contained in red meat is responsible for this. To prove this, he had 113 test subjects eat 250 grams of steak a day for four weeks. A two-week break was followed by four weeks with a correspondingly large amount of (white) poultry meat and, at the end, a meat-free month.

The result , published in the “European Heart Journal”, showed a significant 3-fold increase in the TMAO plasma concentration during the steak weeks. TMAO is produced during the metabolism of carnitine and is a risk marker for hardening of the arteries in the blood vessels. The diet with poultry and vegetables led to a decrease in plasma concentrations in the test subjects.

Red meat is also directly or indirectly involved in the development of cancer.

For example, studies by the DKFZ have shown that people who eat a lot of red meat have increased biomarkers of certain roasting substances, such as those produced during roasting and grilling, swim in the blood. These people were at an increased risk of developing colon cancer.

In the large-scale EPIC study across Europe, 519,000 test persons were examined to find out the connection between diet and cancer .

The results show that red meat can increase the risk of colon cancer. Accordingly, the risk of the disease increases by almost 50 percent if the daily consumption of meat is 100 grams above the recommended amount. The same amount of sausage products increases the risk by as much as 70 percent.

The risk of stomach cancer is also said to be related to heavy meat consumption. In people infected with the Helicobacter pylori bacterium, the risk increases by a factor of five.

5. Theory 1: Iron makes meat unhealthy

There are various theories about why red meat is so problematic. The so-called iron load hypothesis is based on the fact that red meat contains a comparatively high amount of iron. This so-called heme iron has a high bioavailability, unlike iron from plant food, and thus enters the organism in larger quantities.

It has long been suggested that high levels of iron in the blood increase the risk of cancer . However, this theory has not yet been proven by studies.

6. Theory 2: BMMF make meat unhealthy

Scientists working with Nobel laureate Harald zur Hausen believe they have found another cause: a previously unknown class of pathogens is responsible for the increased risk of colon cancer .

These “Bovine Milk and Meat Factors (BMMF)” enter the human intestines through the consumption of meat and dairy products from European cattle. There it comes to a chronic inflammation, which indirectly promotes the development of colon cancer.

7. Avoiding meat protects the intestines

Vegetarian foods contain fiber, which has a positive effect on the microbiome in the gut. Vegans have a particularly large number of them. In addition to fruit and vegetables, lactic acid foods such as yogurt also support the intestinal flora. Vegetarians often consume these. Researchers from the University of New York have confirmed that vegans and vegetarians have more protective types of gut bacteria than meat eaters.

Meat also poses a cancer risk through its preparation and processing: for example, when meat is heated up, several potentially harmful substances are formed at the same time, including so-called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs); curing also produces nitrosamines. These substances can promote the development of cancer, and above all they increase the risk of colon cancer. Methods such as curing and intense heating are particularly used for industrially processed meat, such as sausage and ham. Accordingly, processed meat products are particularly unhealthy.

8. Avoiding meat makes you slim

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Cognitive and Neurosciences (MPI CBS) and the Leipzig University Hospital examined almost 9,000 people, what connections there are between body and mind on the one hand and not consuming animal products on the other. regardless of age, gender and level of education. The study was published in June 2020 in the specialist magazine “Nutrients”.

The result of the physical impact: the less food of animal origin was on the menu, the lower the average body mass index (BMI) and thus the body weight. “Products that are excessively high in fat and sugar make you fat. They stimulate the appetite and delay the feeling of satiety. If you do without animal foods, you eat fewer such products on average, ”explains Evelyn Medawar, first author of the work.

9. Avoiding meat and the psyche

With regard to the psychological effects of the meatless diet, the Leipzig study found no particular susceptibility to neuroses in vegetarians. The study director Veronica Witte says: “Previous analyzes had found that more neurotic people generally leave out certain food groups more often. We focused solely on avoiding animal products and could not observe any correlation. ”No connection was found between a predominantly plant-based diet and depressive moods. There was evidence of this in previous studies.

However, the researchers found a difference in one of the determining factors of personality: the extroversion or introversion. People with predominantly plant-based foods on the menu are more introverted than those who eat primarily animal products. The study authors have not yet found an explanation for this.

“Cancer cells are fed” – underestimated health risks lurk in meat and sausage“Cancer cells are fed” – underestimated health risks lurk in meat and sausage

Iron deficiency is often discussed. There is hardly any talk about the opposite, the frequent overloading with heme iron, the iron form made from red meat and sausage. It promotes the common diseases of diabetes, cancer and arteriosclerosis. FOCUS Online shows how you can meet your iron needs in a healthy way.

The trace element iron is indispensable for a number of vital metabolic functions in the body. As a component of hemoglobin in the red blood cells, it supplies every body cell with oxygen. Iron deficiency, which manifests itself in anemia, exhaustion, susceptibility to infection, affects around 20 percent of women and ten percent of men in Germany. The higher risk for women is explained by menstruation and decreases accordingly when the childbearing phase of life is over.

Many people have an excess of iron – and know nothing about it

Iron deficiency is known and many nutrition-conscious people pay attention to adequate iron intake. However, significantly more people could have anything but an iron deficiency, namely too much of this trace element. Probably very few people know about it, although it carries a high risk of disease.

Heme iron and non-heme iron: these are the differences

First and foremost, it is important for these relationships – there are the two known, different forms of iron, only one of which can be hazardous to health:

1. Heme iron , i.e. bivalent iron (Fe), mainly found in red meat and sausage. Heme iron has a high bioavailability, the body can use at least 20 percent from food.

2. Non-heme iron , trivalent iron (Fe3), from plant-based nutrient suppliers such as legumes, whole grains, nuts, oil seeds and various types of vegetables. Non-heme iron must first be oxidized to some form of Fe in the small intestine in order for the body to use it. In this way, only around five percent of the iron from food comes into play.

The iron requirement per day is 15 milligrams for women and 10 milligrams for men.

Underestimated health risk heme iron

What is certain is that most people in industrialized nations have at least a sufficient supply of the trace element. Due to our meat and sausage-heavy diet, a large part is even oversupplied with heme iron, and thus risks diseases. Various studies indicate these relationships .

“We assume that too much heme iron can have negative health consequences through eating meat,” explains Matthias Riedl, board member of the Association of German Nutritionists (BDEM) and diabetologist, nutritionist, internist, managing director and medical director at Medicum Hamburg.

The human organism is not prepared for high meat consumption

Normally, a complex mechanism of substances in the liver and intestines controls the iron level. If too much iron storage protein ferritin is measured, the body slows down absorption. “This does not work adequately with large amounts of heme iron, the body continues to absorb it, simply because this form of iron is extremely easy to use,” says the expert.

The nutritionist explains that the cause lies in our evolutionary history. Up until two million years ago, humans were purely plant-eaters, only then did they add animal consumption. That was sometimes more, mostly less meat – definitely a lot less than is regularly eaten today. The human organism is not prepared for this.

High consumption of heme iron feeds cancer cells

The excess iron is then deposited in the pancreas, liver and spleen, which can put stress on the organs. But that’s not all. “Heme iron can promote mutations via certain chemical compounds – for example in intestinal cells, but also in other cells,” warns the internist.

In addition, these compounds have a cytotoxic effect, so they can not only change cells, but also damage them. “And cancer cells, on the other hand, are properly fed by heme iron, so to speak,” says the expert. Malignant cells have a high demand for this trace element. A high consumption of heme iron means that existing cancer cells grow better and are stronger against the immune system.

Meat lovers are more likely to develop diabetes and arteriosclerosis

In addition to the connection between heme iron and cancer, many nutritional studies have shown two other negative effects of the “meat iron”:

1. Numerous studies show that people who consume a lot of sausage and meat are particularly likely to have type 2 diabetes .

2. In addition, this dietary preference often leads to arteriosclerosis , with the well-known secondary diseases of high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke.

“If people don’t eat ‘appropriately’, they get sick”

The higher the meat consumption, the higher the risks for cancer, diabetes and arteriosclerosis. What actually stands behind it: “If people do not eat ‘species-appropriate’, i.e. eat too much red meat and sausage and thus too much heme iron, they will get sick,” warns Matthias Riedl. It is well known that primitive peoples who still eat originally – eat very little meat and no sausage – do not have arteriosclerosis at all, for example.

Trivalent iron from plants is converted into bivalent iron

So heme iron has a rather negative effect on the body. Non-heme iron, on the other hand, does not pose these health risks – but is converted into bivalent iron in the body in order to make it available. Doesn’t it then become as unfavorable as bivalent heme iron? “No, because the trivalent iron from plants is converted into a bivalent iron, but not into heme iron,” explains the expert.

Providing the body with healthy iron – vegetables and fruits with non-heme iron

In order to provide the body with sufficient iron without meat, there are a number of plant-based foods that have a high content of non-heme iron, such as:

  • Lentils around 2.7mg / 100gr
  • Chickpeas around 2.7mg / 100gr
  • Peas 1,5mg / 100gr
  • Spinach 3,6mg / 100gr
  • Chanterelles 6.5mg / 100gr
  • Elderberry 1.6mg / 100gr
  • Pine nuts 9.2mg / 100gr
  • Millet 6.9mg / 100gr
  • Flaxseed, ground 8,4mg / 100gr
  • Amaranth 8.9mg / 100gr

Spinach contains a comparatively high amount of iron for a plant-based food, but at the same time the substances it contains can prevent it from being absorbed by the body. Beans or lentils are therefore better suited as a vegetarian source of iron.

Intelligently upgrade the bioavailability of iron from vegetables and fruits

Sure, none of these foods provide as much iron as meat. “The availability of iron from plant-based foods can be increased by cleverly combining the ingredients in a meal,” says Matthias Riedl. Vitamin C, for example, improves absorption. Suggestion for a corresponding daily plan:

  • In the morning: oatmeal / muesli with fruit, a glass of orange or lemon juice for breakfast,
  • Lunch: millet salad with paprika (the pods are extremely rich in vitamin C),
  • In the evening: whole wheat pasta with broccoli or parsley pesto

Coffee and tea inhibit iron availability

However, there are also plant substances that have an inhibiting effect on iron absorption. These are phytates and polyphenols, for example, these plant substances are contained in coffee and tea. So avoid these drinks during, immediately before and after a meal containing iron. In wholemeal products, on the other hand, the phytate content plays a lesser role, as they convince with their high iron content.

Cover your iron requirement healthily, certain meats are also allowed

“Those who follow a purely vegetarian / vegan diet can still get too little iron, especially women are at risk here,” says the expert.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women in particular should take preparations if they have a proven iron deficiency. Otherwise there is a ‘species-appropriate’ solution for everyone: That means a small, moderate meat meal per week, preferably poultry meat, because white meat is not statistically associated with the disease risks mentioned.