HIV Foundation Health Still muscles at 70 like at 30? Doctor will explain how to do it

Still muscles at 70 like at 30? Doctor will explain how to do it

Older people often do not do sports. However, this is exactly the wrong way to protect the joints. Because especially after a certain age, the muscles break down rapidly. That can be dangerous. But with simple training you can maintain your strength well into old age.

If you rest, you rust. There is a lot of truth in this banal wisdom – especially when it comes to muscles and joints. Those who are young have often integrated sport into everyday life as a matter of course. But with age, people often give up. That is fatal.

Because it is precisely at the age of three that there is a significant drop in performance, explains Karl-Dieter Heller, chief physician at the Orthopedic Clinic Duchess Elisabeth Hospital. The muscles begin to break down. Right here it is called to hold against.

The orthopedic surgeon is certain: “With good training, even as a 70-year-old, I can still have the muscles of a moderately trained 30-year-old. Because the healthy old person reacts to stimuli just like the healthy young person. “

If you don’t do anything, you lose your muscles. But: It can also be trained back quickly.

Muscles break down rapidly

From the age of 55 the muscles break down faster than before, from the age of 70 very quickly. “That means that by the age of 70, around 40 percent of muscle mass is lost if you do nothing,” explains Heller. Consequently, people lose strength, endurance and speed. A lack of mobility, coordination and balance increases the risk of falling.

That’s how much sport people should do in old age

An optimal exercise program in old age would be a combination of 60 percent endurance training , 30 percent training in flexibility and agility and 10 percent strength and endurance training (a combination of strength and endurance that trains the various muscle groups with little weight and a lot of repetitions.

“The prerequisite for intensive sporting activity is of course that it is safe for the doctor to stress the circulatory system,” adds the joint expert. The pulse should not exceed certain limits. This is especially true for the untrained.

Endurance training has the greatest health effect : 45 minutes three times a week. As a result, everyone slowly but continuously builds up muscles. If you want to supplement this with strength training, make sure that you do not fall into pressure breathing.

For muscle building Heller recommends an exercise program. Flexibility training is important to keep the joints flexible. For example, do swing, twist, or pendulum exercises three times a day for 15 minutes. The coordination can be trained through games, dancing or similar sports.

Nobody is too old to train

The skeletal muscles can be trained at any age, so that specific exercises can stop and reverse the loss of muscles. Heller knows experiments that have shown: Even those older than 90 can build up muscles again – even if they no longer achieve the status of a 50-year-old.

“It is essential that the elderly remain active,” emphasizes the orthopedic surgeon. Regular exercise is no longer essential, but everyone should exercise.

At least avoid these inactivity traps, like

  • Escalators,
  • Elevators and
  • Treadmills.


  • Better to go shopping on foot.
  • Use your bike instead of driving your car.
  • Practice demanding hobbies: hiking, swimming, dancing and gardening.

“That is what every old person can do excellently and he should do without technical aids,” explains Heller. If at all possible, the lawn mower should be pushed and it does not have to be a ride-on mower.

Strengthen muscles and joints to prevent falls

Sport and exercise in old age not only keep you fit, but also make a decisive contribution to falling prevention. Because older people in particular often fall down. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that your joints are no longer as stable. On the other hand, the muscles lose their strength.

When that all comes together and people also see and hear worse, it becomes dangerous. That means, according to Heller: “For this reason, training and sport are of inestimable value, especially for stopping aging.”

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From the age of 30, German men are growing rapidly. It doesn’t look good and is a health hazard. Nevertheless, the stronger sex has difficulties with weight loss programs. FOCUS Online explains why this is so and which diet works best for men.

Surveys by the Federal Statistical Office show that Germany’s men are getting fatter year after year: If the body mass index is used as a benchmark, 62 percent of men are currently overweight (BMI over 25) and 18 percent are obese (BMI over 30) . And while only a third of the 20 to 25 year olds are overweight, the proportion among the over 50 year olds rises to more than 70 percent. Among women, 43 percent carry too many pounds around – but the proportion of people who are overweight shrinks slightly every year.

Visceral belly fat is a health risk

But while many of the overweight women have the word “lose weight” at least in the back of their minds, the term “diet” bounces off most men. Somehow, around 30, they gradually lose their firm body, but they feel comfortable with their figure, which they do not find too fat at all. Men seem to be more tolerant of their paunch than women of their love handles.

This has nothing to do with reason, because it is now known that so-called visceral belly fat in particular poses a health risk. The metabolically active tissue releases inflammatory substances and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and erectile dysfunction.

The traditional image of the man promotes obesity

Papa gets the biggest piece of meat because a man has to eat properly – this age-old belief persists in Germany. And so men eat an average of 1.1 kilograms of meat every week. That is twice as much as for women and twice as much as recommended for a healthy diet. In addition, there are plenty of carbohydrates in the form of pasta, potatoes or white bread, sausage, butter and cheese – and the plates are often scooped up on the “all-you-can-eat” principle.

Many men get fat because they eat and drink too much of the wrong things, for example six times as much beer as women. And they stay fat because it is very difficult to change established eating habits.

Men need a lot of motivation to diet

Doctors and nutritionists find time and again that men rarely lose weight because they find themselves too fat. It almost always takes an external spark for the average man to change something in his lifestyle, for example when the doctor diagnoses diabetes or a heart problem, or when a relationship breaks up.

This was also the result of an evaluation of two major diet programs by the British health authority NHS. And there were even more men-specific issues on the subjectLose weight:

  • Only ten percent of men had received a referral from their doctor for the programs.
  • But: Once men start with such a measure, they develop ambition to lose weight and get out less often than women.
  • Men are more likely to respond to programs that avoid the word “diet” and place great emphasis on exercise.

Proper diet and exercise

Weight loss results mainly from diet changes. However, if men also expand their muscle cushion in the process, the effect is increased because of the high energy requirements of the muscles. Men should exercise all muscle groups in the body and not just squint at the fast-growing biceps.

A sporting program that includes a mix of strength and endurance is often better accepted by men than women. Sport should be fun in any case, because after actively losing weight, exercise can stabilize the desired weight – without the man having to constantly watch the calories.

What men should eat for weight loss is no different from a diet for women:

1. less red / fatty meat, sausage and animal fat

2. more vegetables

3. less white flour and sugar (carbohydrates)

4. more white / lean meat, tofu, or legumes (protein)

5. no alcohol

Intermittent fasting – as invented for men

Intermittent fasting is a suitable diet method for those who like it simple and uncomplicated. With the simple principle, there are time windows for food intake, which alternate with fasting episodes. The fat metabolism is activated, excess pounds can melt – especially if you keep an eye on the calories.

  • The popular “16: 8” method is suitable as a permanent nutritional principle: During the day, people eat in an 8-hour window, two to three meals without snacks in between. The nocturnal eating break is extended to 16 hours – ideal for men who do not like breakfast.
  • The “5: 2” interval fasting allows you to eat normally on five days, then there are a maximum of 500 calories on two days.
  • The “1: 1” method is considered to be the most difficult to stick to: alternately eat one day and one fast.

For men (and women), the combination of two protein shakes and a normal meal a day is a good start to losing weight. US presenter and comedian Jimmy Kimmel lost over twelve kilos before he switched to intermittent fasting “5: 2”.

The man’s body is the best weapon against obesity

Once men have decided to lose weight, they enjoy a great advantage over women. Men are taller, heavier and have more muscles – as a result, their bodies burn more energy even when they are resting.

If they also save calories, they lose more weight and lose weight faster than women. This was shown by a study with 2000 male and female participants who had exactly the same general conditions. After eight weeks, the men saw 16 percent more weight loss. Their bodies cling less to fat deposits, which in women are a stubborn reservoir for pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Who Needs Health Savings Accounts And Health Reimbursement Arrangements?Who Needs Health Savings Accounts And Health Reimbursement Arrangements?

Employers аnd thе self-employed аrе using twо main strategies tо kеер thе cost оf health insurance lоw аnd tо reduce thеіr taxes. Known аѕ аn HSA, a Health Savings Account саn make mоѕt health care expenses tax deductible, аnd provide tax-deferred earnings. Individuals аnd business owners саn start аn HSA оnсе thеу purchase a health plan that’s certified tо bе HSA compatible. Thеѕе plans аrе available іn thе individual market fоr muсh lower premiums thаn plans іn thе group coverage market.

Cаn Health Savings Accounts Bе Combined Wіth A HRA?

Employers аnd people whо аrе self-employed іf thе spouse works іn thе business mау add a Health Reimbursement Arrangement tо substantially increase thе tax savings available wіth аn HSA аlоnе.

Tо рut іt simply, a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) іѕ аn employer-funded medical reimbursement plan fоr employees. Sоmеоnе whо іѕ self-employed саnnоt hаvе аn HRA іn hіѕ оr hеr nаmе, but саn reimburse thе spouse, whо works іn thе business аѕ a W-2 employee, thrоugh аn HRA. All оf thе family’s qualified health care аnd insurance expenses саn bе reimbursed, аnd thаt includes thе expenses оf thе self-employed business owner bу virtue оf bеіng a member оf thе HRA-covered family.

Thе big rush tо gеt HRAs іn place bу Dec. 31 resulted bесаuѕе thе cost оf health insurance premiums соuld thеn bе reimbursed fоr thе whоlе year bасk tо January 2011. Reimbursement fоr оthеr kinds оf health care іѕ nоt retroactive, thоugh. Thоѕе whо start a HRA іn January 2012 саn reimburse thеіr employees fоr health care, including premiums.

Sіnсе group coverage hаѕ bесоmе аn expensive option fоr bоth employers аnd employees, HRAs present a lеѕѕ expensive choice thаt саn help bоth parties save оn health care costs. Compared tо group plan rates, policies іn thе individual market саn save employers uр tо 50 percent. Certain оf thеѕе plans, known аѕ Health Savings Accounts, Thіѕ makes іf feasible fоr mоrе employers tо provide health care coverage tо mоrе employees. Bу setting uр a HRA, employers саn legitimately reimburse thеіr employees fоr individual health insurance premiums аnd оthеr health care costs.

Hоw Dо Health Reimbursement Arrangements Work?

On a regular basis, аn employer contributes a pre-determined аmоunt tо аn account оn аn employee’s behalf. Thе employee саn submit a reimbursement request fоr qualified medical expenses, аnd ѕuсh reimbursements аrе nоt taxed.

What’s Required Tо Start A HRA?

Thе primary requirement іѕ thаt thе plan muѕt bе funded solely bу thе employer. It саnnоt bе funded bу salary reduction. In addition, thе plan mау оnlу provide benefits fоr substantiated medical expenses.

HRAs mау bе designed іn mаnу fashions tо suit thе specific needs оf employer аnd employees alike. It іѕ оnе оf thе mоѕt flexible types оf employee benefits plans, making іt vеrу attractive tо mоѕt employers.

Hоw Dо Employers Benefit Frоm A HRA?

HRAs аrе mоѕt commonly offered іn conjunction wіth a high-deductible health plan. Aѕ a rule, thеѕе plans kеер premium costs lоw, ѕо employers саn uѕе thе savings tо fund thе HRA. All employer HRA contributions аrе tax deductible fоr thе employer, аnd tax-free fоr thе employee.

Employers mау establish whеn HRA funds mау bе used. Thіѕ саn range frоm comprehensively covering аll health care tо a limited plan fоr emergency room expenses оnlу. Bесаuѕе thеу аrе ѕо flexible, HRA plans enable employers tо control costs оf providing healthcare benefits whіlе providing a valuable employee benefit.

Wіth аn HRA, employee healthcare expenditures аrе visible аnd clear tо employer аnd employee alike, thеrеbу fostering a greater understanding оf thе costs оf health care. In addition, employees whо саn monitor аnd control thеіr health care costs bесоmе smarter health care consumers.

Studies ѕhоw thаt оnlу 20 tо 50 percent оf employees actually uѕе thеіr health care coverage, meaning employers оftеn pay health insurance premiums fоr employees whо аrе nоt utilizing thе coverage. A HRA allows employers tо determine thе best type оf coverage fоr thеіr employees based оn thе demographics оf thеіr employee group.

HRA plans mау аlѕо cover retired employees (and thеіr spouses аnd tax dependents). Employers mау wish tо consider a HRA аѕ аn alternative tо mоrе expensive traditional retiree health care options.

Employee benefits, like a HRA, enable employers tо recruit аnd retain quality employees. Wіth a HRA іn place, thе employer іѕ perceived іn a positive light bу current аnd prospective employees bесаuѕе a benefits package іѕ bеіng provided wіth thеіr іntеrеѕt іn mind.

7 Day Plan: What to Eat to Cleanse Your Colon7 Day Plan: What to Eat to Cleanse Your Colon

The intestine can recover in just one week, complaints such as flatulence and sluggishness of stools disappear, the intestinal flora regenerates – and the immune system increases significantly. Everything about the wellness regimen for the intestines, with simple recipes for every day and extra tips for a healthy digestion.

The intestine affects our health much more than was known a few years ago. The intestinal mucous membrane with its special flora made up of billions of microorganisms has a decisive influence on how well our defenses are set up, whether there is a risk of chronic inflammation, acne, autoimmune diseases or obesity.

But even if these connections have now been proven, the way we deal with the most important factor influencing intestinal health has hardly changed: diet.

We know how important the intestines are, but we still don’t pay attention to them

Most of us still eat too much meat and sausage, sugar and fat, fast food and ready meals, plus the “intestinal enemies” smoking and alcohol .

  • The direct consequences: The intestinal flora is out of balance, flatulence , constipation and obesity result.
  • The indirect ones: there is a risk of immunodeficiency, skin problems, inflammation and, last but not least, an increased risk of cancer, at least for colon cancer.

Particularly harmful: Leftovers lie in the intestines for days

Especially when food remains in the intestine for a long time, it is harmful to health. In the process, animal protein (from meat and sausage residues) in particular forms toxins that can cause damage not only in the intestines, but also in the whole body.

The medical term is intestinal auto-intoxication. Typical toxins that arise in the intestine: including neurin, putrescin, indican and cadaverine, the dead body poison.

Cleanse the bowel, but do not drain it aggressively

A mild intestinal regeneration cure with the right diet, so that the intestinal flora can recover naturally, is therefore recommended, as a kind of wellness for the intestine , so to speak . A week can go a long way. In principle, there are only two things to keep in mind:

1. At the beginning there is colon cleansing. It often takes several days for the residues to pass after a meal. This can be supported with healing earth and flea seeds. These natural measures have a gentle laxative effect and are usually better tolerated than strong laxatives such as Glauber’s salt.

The mild cleansing is complemented by light fasting. Both measures work together like a “reset” of the bowel, driving it back to zero, so to speak. This can be rebuilt with the right, this time intestinal healthy diet.

2. This diet should contain probiotics (including lactic acid bacteria) because they can help the intestinal flora to repopulate with beneficial intestinal bacteria. In addition, fiber-rich fresh food is part of it. Because dietary fibers act like prebiotics, so they serve as food for the “good” intestinal bacteria.

In contrast, you should avoid red meat, sausage, high-fat dairy products, sugar, alcohol and coffee (and preferably not only) during the intestinal diet. Of course, it is important that you drink a lot during the bowel treatment. Only then will the fiber swell up well and be able to absorb, bind and transport a lot of pollutants out of the body.

Make rice water yourself

You can support these measures with rice water, the insider tip for a healthy bowel. The slightly milky brew contains dissolved fiber, mucilage, minerals and, above all, B vitamins. This combination cares for the intestinal mucosa and supports its healthy structure.

Make rice water yourself and drink a glass every day:

  • ½ cup of organic rice
  • 1 liter of water

Bring the water to the boil, pour in the rice, simmer for a good 20 minutes until it is almost boiled over. Strain, catching the water. The rice water can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Recipes for seven days of intestinal treatment

The bowel cure is suitable for all adults, except pregnant and breastfeeding women. Anyone who has chronic illnesses and / or has to take medication regularly should consult their doctor before beginning. And off you go:

1st day of the intestinal diet

In the morning : Drink a glass of lukewarm water with a level teaspoon full of healing earth on an empty stomach. This recommendation applies to the entire course. Healing earth attracts the toxins, so to speak, binds them and transports them out of the body.

Porridge – briefly toast a good handful of oat flakes in the pan without fat, add a little water and, if you want, a pinch of salt. After a few minutes, the gruel thickens a little. With this homemade porridge there is herbal tea to taste, after the meal a teaspoon of psyllium husks, like the healing earth, stirred into a large glass of water. Flea seeds also divert pollutants, swell up strongly in the intestine, in this way stimulate the natural intestinal peristalsis and thus shorten the time leftover food remains in the intestine. The mucilage in the flea seeds also nourishes the intestinal mucosa and helps it to regenerate.

Lunch : vegetable soup with potatoes and carrots, seasoned with a pinch of sea salt and caraway seeds.

In the evening : Sweet potatoes with dip – cut sweet potatoes into small pieces, sauté, plus there is probiotic yoghurt, which is seasoned with a little dill and a pinch of salt.

In between : drink a lot, herbal tea and mineral water, apples and pears (please chew each bite several times and slowly until a porridge has formed)

2nd day of the intestinal diet

In the morning : Serve oatmeal muesli with probiotic yoghurt, rub an apple under it, flea seeds and healing earth as on day 1

Lunch : Vegetable soup with easily digestible vegetables of your choice – such as fennel, celery, potatoes

In the evening : potatoes with quark – boil the potatoes in their skins, peel them and season with fresh herbs

In between : drink a lot again, apples, a banana

3rd day of the intestinal diet

In the morning : flea seeds and healing earth as on day 1, oatmeal muesli with yogurt and banana

Lunch : Polenta with vegetables – boil polenta in vegetable stock for ten minutes, let it steep for 15 minutes, stir in a small amount of butter, with steamed vegetables with fresh herbs of your choice

In the evening : vegetable soup made from carrots and potatoes

In between : drink a lot, apples, pears

4th day of the intestinal diet

In the morning : oatmeal muesli with seasonal fruit such as blueberries and strawberries; Flea seeds and healing clay as on day 1

Lunch: asparagus with potatoes, drizzle asparagus with a little butter and season with fresh herbs, with jacket potatoes

In the evening : Lukewarm vegetable salad with fresh goat cheese, sauté vegetables of your choice, such as celery and carrots, serve with fresh radicchio, season with salt and lemon juice, spread two tablespoons of fresh goat cheese over it

Occasionally : spelled crackers, apples, 1/2 liter of buttermilk

5th day of the intestinal diet

In the morning : Muesli of your choice (oat flakes, three- or five-grain flakes), yogurt, fruit, flea seeds and healing earth as on day 1

Lunch : Gnocchi with chicken and fennel – make your own gnocchi from boiled, mashed potatoes, flour and an egg, shape the gnocchi from the potato dough and cook in water until they float on top. In the meantime, clean the fennel bulb and cut into strips, sauté in a little safflower oil, cut a chicken breast into strips and add, season with salt, stir in a little sour cream and serve with the gnocchi.

Evening : Avocado sandwich – make avocado cream yourself from a mashed avocado, mix with a little yoghurt, season with lemon juice and salt, with graham bread (whole grain bread, but chewed … slowly)

Occasionally : banana, apples, drink a lot

6th day of the intestinal diet

In the morning : banana porridge made from oat flakes – briefly bring the oat flakes to the boil in salted water, let them cool down, add a little yogurt and a mashed banana. Flea seeds and healing clay as on day 1

Midday : Wholegrain penne with vegetables and ricotta, cook the penne while chopping the carrots and onions and sautéing them in a little vegetable stock, seasoning with salt and a touch of garlic powder, adding the parsley, serving with the penne, spreading a little ricotta over the top.

In the evening : Sweet potato casserole, cut the sweet potatoes into fine wedges, place in a casserole dish, whisk an egg with a little sour cream, season with salt and pour over the vegetables, bake in the oven over a mild heat for about 25 minutes.

Occasionally : spelled crackers, apples

7th day of the intestinal diet

In the morning : porridge with a dash of kefir and fruit to taste, a few walnuts, psyllium and healing clay as on day 1

Midday : Cod on carrots and kohlrabi – chop kohlrabi and carrots and sauté in a little safflower oil, season with salt, season the cod fillet with salt and lemon, fry in a non-stick pan with a little fat, place on the vegetables, close the lid and leave to stand for another five minutes . Garnish with fresh parsley and, if you want a side dish, serve with potatoes.

In the evening : Beetroot bulgur salad with cottage cheese – boil the beetroot, cut it open and flavor it with a little lemon and salt while still warm, let it steep. In the meantime, bring the bulgur to the boil and let it steep until it is soft, then strain. Serve with the beetroot, season to taste, for example with turmeric. Crumble the cottage cheese over it and serve.

In between : banana, apples, sesame crackers

So that the intestine remains healthy in the long term

After this week the intestines have usually recovered well and digestion is working optimally. This means that the passage of food through the digestive organs has accelerated without the presence of diarrhea – which is undesirable, as is constipation. If you eat a healthy bowel diet now in the future, you will create the best basis for optimal digestion. Eating healthy intestines means:

  • drink a lot
  • Use fleas for intestinal care
  • take yoghurt, kefir or buttermilk more often because of the helpful lactic acid bacteria
  • Reduce sugar and fat
  • eat a lot of fruit and vegetables instead
  • Eat meat only once a week, fish once
  • it is best to cook it yourself, largely eliminate ready meals and fast food from the menu

It also makes sense to refrain from cigarettes and limit alcohol consumption. With this simple yet powerful program, you will not only support your bowels, you will also be doing the best for your overall health, preventing illnesses and probably even losing weight in the long run.