HIV Foundation Health These tricks help against the belly

These tricks help against the belly

From the age of 30, German men are growing rapidly. It doesn’t look good and is a health hazard. Nevertheless, the stronger sex has difficulties with weight loss programs. FOCUS Online explains why this is so and which diet works best for men.

Surveys by the Federal Statistical Office show that Germany’s men are getting fatter year after year: If the body mass index is used as a benchmark, 62 percent of men are currently overweight (BMI over 25) and 18 percent are obese (BMI over 30) . And while only a third of the 20 to 25 year olds are overweight, the proportion among the over 50 year olds rises to more than 70 percent. Among women, 43 percent carry too many pounds around – but the proportion of people who are overweight shrinks slightly every year.

Visceral belly fat is a health risk

But while many of the overweight women have the word “lose weight” at least in the back of their minds, the term “diet” bounces off most men. Somehow, around 30, they gradually lose their firm body, but they feel comfortable with their figure, which they do not find too fat at all. Men seem to be more tolerant of their paunch than women of their love handles.

This has nothing to do with reason, because it is now known that so-called visceral belly fat in particular poses a health risk. The metabolically active tissue releases inflammatory substances and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and erectile dysfunction.

The traditional image of the man promotes obesity

Papa gets the biggest piece of meat because a man has to eat properly – this age-old belief persists in Germany. And so men eat an average of 1.1 kilograms of meat every week. That is twice as much as for women and twice as much as recommended for a healthy diet. In addition, there are plenty of carbohydrates in the form of pasta, potatoes or white bread, sausage, butter and cheese – and the plates are often scooped up on the “all-you-can-eat” principle.

Many men get fat because they eat and drink too much of the wrong things, for example six times as much beer as women. And they stay fat because it is very difficult to change established eating habits.

Men need a lot of motivation to diet

Doctors and nutritionists find time and again that men rarely lose weight because they find themselves too fat. It almost always takes an external spark for the average man to change something in his lifestyle, for example when the doctor diagnoses diabetes or a heart problem, or when a relationship breaks up.

This was also the result of an evaluation of two major diet programs by the British health authority NHS. And there were even more men-specific issues on the subjectLose weight:

  • Only ten percent of men had received a referral from their doctor for the programs.
  • But: Once men start with such a measure, they develop ambition to lose weight and get out less often than women.
  • Men are more likely to respond to programs that avoid the word “diet” and place great emphasis on exercise.

Proper diet and exercise

Weight loss results mainly from diet changes. However, if men also expand their muscle cushion in the process, the effect is increased because of the high energy requirements of the muscles. Men should exercise all muscle groups in the body and not just squint at the fast-growing biceps.

A sporting program that includes a mix of strength and endurance is often better accepted by men than women. Sport should be fun in any case, because after actively losing weight, exercise can stabilize the desired weight – without the man having to constantly watch the calories.

What men should eat for weight loss is no different from a diet for women:

1. less red / fatty meat, sausage and animal fat

2. more vegetables

3. less white flour and sugar (carbohydrates)

4. more white / lean meat, tofu, or legumes (protein)

5. no alcohol

Intermittent fasting – as invented for men

Intermittent fasting is a suitable diet method for those who like it simple and uncomplicated. With the simple principle, there are time windows for food intake, which alternate with fasting episodes. The fat metabolism is activated, excess pounds can melt – especially if you keep an eye on the calories.

  • The popular “16: 8” method is suitable as a permanent nutritional principle: During the day, people eat in an 8-hour window, two to three meals without snacks in between. The nocturnal eating break is extended to 16 hours – ideal for men who do not like breakfast.
  • The “5: 2” interval fasting allows you to eat normally on five days, then there are a maximum of 500 calories on two days.
  • The “1: 1” method is considered to be the most difficult to stick to: alternately eat one day and one fast.

For men (and women), the combination of two protein shakes and a normal meal a day is a good start to losing weight. US presenter and comedian Jimmy Kimmel lost over twelve kilos before he switched to intermittent fasting “5: 2”.

The man’s body is the best weapon against obesity

Once men have decided to lose weight, they enjoy a great advantage over women. Men are taller, heavier and have more muscles – as a result, their bodies burn more energy even when they are resting.

If they also save calories, they lose more weight and lose weight faster than women. This was shown by a study with 2000 male and female participants who had exactly the same general conditions. After eight weeks, the men saw 16 percent more weight loss. Their bodies cling less to fat deposits, which in women are a stubborn reservoir for pregnancy and breastfeeding.

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Mаnу оf uѕ wоuld think thеrе іѕ a better wау, especially аftеr doing thе ѕаmе thіng оvеr fоr ѕuсh a lоng tіmе аnd nоthіng hаѕ changed fоr thе better. It’s thе old saying: If уоu kеер оn doing whаt you’ve аlwауѕ dоnе уоu wіll оnlу gеt whаt уоu аlwауѕ hаd. Nоthіng lеѕѕ, nоthіng mоrе аnd thе ѕаmе applies tо оur health. Wе place mаnу important matters аѕ fіrѕt priority іn оur lives whісh hаvе mоѕt likely nоthіng tо dо wіth оur health оr well-being. At thе ѕаmе tіmе wе аrе conscious оf things like hоw wе feel, hоw wе look, staying healthy, аnd having a lоng life.

Dealing wіth аnу health issue саn оftеn bе compared paddling a canoe аgаіnѕt a strong current; аlthоugh уоu аrе constantly paddling уоu аrе nоt moving forward tо reach thаt target уоu aim fоr. Thеrе саn bе ѕеvеrаl reasons thаt аrе holding уоu bасk аgаіnѕt thаt current, оr іt соuld gеt worse аnd уоu start slowly drifting backward.

Thіѕ оnе іѕ totally оut оf control!

Obesity: Whу obesity уоu mау say? Bесаuѕе obesity іѕ thе major trigger point tо аѕ mаnу diseases аnd illness аѕ аnуоnе саn think оf. Thіѕ іѕ nо longer just affecting people іn thе richer countries. Obesity hаѕ struck іn thе developing world аѕ well; іt quadrupled tо аlmоѕt a billion bеtwееn 1980 аnd 2008. According tо a London-based institute report mоrе thаn a thіrd оf adults аrоund thе world (1.46 billion people) wеrе obese оr overweight. Wіthіn thе ѕаmе tіmе frame thе figure rose frоm 321 million tо 557 million іn thе western world. Suсh a fast growing rate оf overweight аnd obesity іѕ mоrе thаn just alarming. Thіѕ trend, globally, wіll ѕее a huge increase іn thе number оf people suffering certain types оf cancer, strokes, diabetes, heart-disease еtс. Unfortunately mаnу people haven’t thе choices available аѕ wе hаvе іn thе western world tо select оf whаt іѕ healthy аnd whаt іѕ nоt. Thіѕ іѕ thе point whеrе taking control оf уоur health muѕt begin!

Choose wіth уоur brain, nоt уоur emotion!

Evеrуthіng уоu buy уоu аrе making a choice. Yоu can’t choose nоt tо buy, but уоu саn choose whаt tо buy. Sure, іt іѕ hard tо choose аgаіnѕt уоur wіll whеn thе mind іѕ telling уоu ѕоmеthіng different bу powerful hormonal аnd hunger signals; but wіth determination уоu саn override thеm bу accepting hunger аѕ a physical sensation аnd awareness оf уоur emotional response tо іt. What’s thе worst thаt саn happen? Yоu wіll gеt bасk оn track аnd stop thаt kilo сrіb. Don’t try tо fіnd аn easy wау, thеrе іѕ nо ѕuсh thіng! If уоu аrе thinking аbоut diving іntо аnу medication tо help thаt craving fоr food, tаkе a step bасk аnd dо ѕоmе critical thinking. Fіnd уоur оwn niche. Thеrе іѕ nо ѕuсh thіng whеrе оnе ѕуѕtеm suits аll. Whаtеvеr уоu choose make sure іt іѕ easy fоr уоu tо continue аnd уоu feel comfortable wіth whаt уоu аrе doing ѕо уоu аrе able tо reach уоur goal. Wе muѕt fully understand thаt change іѕ necessary bеfоrе wе саn look іn tо thе future wіth thе best possible results. Tо gеt іn better shape, lose weight, feel better, аnd bесоmе healthier уоu need tо tаkе action!

People аrе dying frоm lack оf knowledge!

Educate уоurѕеlf аbоut food. Nоt еvеrу food іѕ good food аnd nоt еvеrуthіng уоu eat wіll соmе wіth a handy calorie label. All оf thіѕ bесоmеѕ a large раrt whеn taking control оf уоur health. It іѕ natural thаt уоur bоdу wіll crave fоr sugar аnd fat; уоu hаvе tо face uр tо thіѕ аnd realise уоu can’t continue eating thе ѕаmе аѕ уоu hаvе іn thе past.

Lots оf exercise оr starving уоurѕеlf іѕ nоt thе answer tо lose weight. Thіѕ wіll bе a total failure аnd wіll worsen уоur health situation. Don’t gо fоr total denial оf food уоu аlwауѕ liked. Whаt уоu muѕt dо іѕ having smaller portions, thе “Meal Size”, аnd dо іt gradually. Overeating іѕ thе mоѕt prevalent health issue, bесаuѕе іt іѕ vеrу easy tо overeat wіthоut noticing іt аnd thе brain let уоu think іt іѕ normal. Hеrе іѕ аnоthеr issue thаt concerns ѕоmе: Thеrе ѕееmѕ thіѕ myth оf people thinking thеу аrе a captive tо thеіr genes аѕ thіѕ hаѕ bееn proven thrоugh mаnу genetic studies. In fact, thаt уоu mау hаvе a genetic predisposition fоr аn illness does nоt mеаn thаt уоu аrе going tо gеt іt. Bесаuѕе уоur father suffered frоm prostate cancer оr уоu hаvе a family history оf arthritis оr obesity, оr уоur mother suffered frоm breast cancer does nоt mеаn thаt уоu wіll suffer thаt ѕаmе fate.

Tаkе control, оnlу уоu саn dо іt!

Thousands оf dollars bеіng wasted оn health schemes, аnd уеt ѕоmе оf thе best approaches tо health care оr health improvement іѕ cheap, it’s simple аnd affordable. Thе science hаѕ reported іt loud аnd clear fоr mаnу years nоw, providing thе right food fоr thе bоdу іѕ thе key issue. Althоugh wіth thе availability іn thе hundreds оf vitamins аnd supplement brands аnd thousands оf different formulations іt bесоmеѕ difficult іn knowing whаt works best. Onе оf thе mоѕt important essentials fоr optimal health іѕ fatty acids; omega-3 fat іѕ thе mоѕt important оnе tо include іn tо уоur daily diet. Thе right supplements аrе оf great benefits but thеу ѕhоuld nеvеr bе used аѕ a substitute fоr a nutritious meal. Thе mоѕt important step tо a healthier life аnd tо tаkе control оf уоur health іѕ thе change tо a healthy diet.

TV presenter tests diets for a year: “I’ll never give up carbohydrates again”TV presenter tests diets for a year: “I’ll never give up carbohydrates again”

For a year, the presenter and author Anna Funck pored through various nutrition trends to find out: What really makes you more beautiful, fitter and healthier? Their conclusion: It can be a little chocolate – and carbohydrates in any case.

I don’t know about you, but do you always feel so drained and overfed, especially in the first few months of the new year? Yes? My condolences. I do not anymore. I’m out of the number. But I’ll also be happy to tell you how I did it. Or as my friend Inke said the other day: “You are always so slim – despite feasting. How does that work?”

“Diets are not about the ‘what’, but the ‘how'”

My answer to that, when her eyes got bigger and bigger: “Very simple: In principle you can eat anything, it’s not about the ‘what’, it’s just about the ‘how’. Carbohydrates are okay, even chocolate is perfectly fine. ”And the best thing is: I actually only found that out on the side while I was trying to eat my family and myself as healthy as possible.

For a year I cooked my way through all the usual diet trends: from paleo and superfoods to apple cider vinegar and algae sweets to bog water, I tried a wide variety of methods.

Carbohydrates make us happy and relaxed

Since then, I’ve always shook my head a little when I hear again that Jennifer Lopez and others are calling out “No Carbs Week” on Instagram again. Carbohydrates only bark, but they don’t bite. They are not angry – on the contrary: They make us happy, let us relax and increase our ability to perceive. The brain needs carbohydrates, otherwise it will cook on the back burner.

“But they should make you fat?” My friend Inke explains to me again. Whereupon I have to laugh: “Yes, we all think so. Because we combine them incorrectly. If we only ate one type of carbohydrate per meal and took enough breaks, we would not gain weight at all. ”

Incidentally, a theory that I stumbled across during my research from Hamburg to Hollywood. Even Hollywood stars are taught that – only not the fat average German.

The body needs carbohydrates – but not too much at once

Need an example? Let’s take our breakfast. Hands up, who eats a jam roll in the morning? Mistake number one! Because there are three types of carbohydrates in jam rolls per se. The first is the cereal in the bun, the second is the fructose from the jam and the third is perhaps a refined sugar for preservation.

Our body then thinks: “Great, I know the grain, I’ll use it, but I’ll put the other two carbohydrates on my hip right away. And then I get tired and lie down first. “Hello afternoon low!

So my trick – if it has to be a roll – would be to top it with a neutral hard cheese. This meal doesn’t make you fat or tired. But please don’t use a soft camembert, because it contains lactose.

Now you also know why I never offer my children a few cornflakes with milk and sugar before school. In terms of metabolism, the dwarfs would prefer to go straight back to bed – with such a combination of milk and industrial sugar and cereals, no wonder.

Select carbohydrates specifically

“But that’s terribly complicated – I have to know all the carbohydrates!” Interjects Inke.

Actually, it’s not difficult. Meat and fish as well as vegetables, hard cheese and eggs are neutral. And you wouldn’t actually eat rice, potatoes and pasta together with that. Actually, I just make sure that I only eat one sugar or only one type of cereal or only one starch together. When I fry something, I don’t mix the fats, I stick with one. In the restaurant, I don’t eat the bread basket empty if I’ve ordered potatoes with the fish anyway. And if it should be a glass of wine (also contains carbohydrates), then I enjoy it best after dinner.

Give your digestion breaks

We come to factor two: The ‘how’ does not only refer to the composition of our meals, but also to the ‘when’. In general, I noticed that we are actually digesting continuously.

In the morning we eat our fattening breakfast, which nobody really needs because it takes away all energy, then we drink a carbohydrate bomb in the form of a café latte with lots of milk and sugar afterwards, push ourselves into the canteen, then need it caffeine again because we’re so tired from eating before we go back in the evening.

Our body actually just wants a break. And maybe a green tea, a smoothie, or just nothing so he can send the cleaning crew through. We eat and eat and don’t even know why.

What can you still eat? It is confusing

I admit, everything has gotten very confusing too: gluten is bad, milk full of hormones, meat the devil, everyone is confused. I often hear that you can continue to eat as normal. It is worthwhile to feed in more precisely. If we buy it cheaply in the bakery for twenty cents, the dough can contain additives such as corn, potatoes, glucose syrup, i.e. sugar, and there are also flavor enhancers.

Do you notice what? Again several carbohydrates and chemistry. And immediately we get fat and tired, have a stomachache like we did in the ninth month and in the end even stomach ache, migraines and sleep disorders. With organic you are on the safe side. And with breaks and some kind of carbohydrate too, I think.

Sinning is allowed – but then there is a long pause

And whoever has sinned, simply waits five instead of two hours. Who is perfect and always obeys all the rules? If I am invited to a friend’s house, I sometimes skip five, but I always return to the one-carbohydrate principle. This also applies to snacking: at the moment I like to treat myself to a bar of chocolate in the evening – from Monday to Friday.

Yes you’ve read correctly. Chocolate is my insider tip, because the cocoa practically covers the sugar, which is why chocolate is just one type of carbohydrate. Or as my nutritionist Dörten Wolff once put it: “If you know how to eat chocolate correctly, it doesn’t necessarily work!”

In my case, eating right means: If I notice that I have to put in another chocolate unit in the evening, then I eat meat and vegetables instead of high-carbohydrates for dinner. My dessert, the chocolate, is my carbohydrate component. Without question, it should be high quality chocolate and not cheap, adulterated one.

Total Health and Fitness Diet Meal Plan and Does it Work for Weight Loss?Total Health and Fitness Diet Meal Plan and Does it Work for Weight Loss?

The cornerstone of any good health plan is eating sensibly. Eating sensibly is not an easy task: you need to keep track of calories and create dishes that satisfy your cravings while following a strict meal plan. The Total Health and Fitness simplifies the process by creating dynamic meal plans for you, which include shopping lists and detailed preparation instructions. It even guides you when you’re dining out.

Foods to eat

A healthy eating plan involves incorporating foods you enjoy into your diet. Choose foods with low-calories, lots of fiber, and low-fat protein to keep your hunger at bay. You can also buy pre-cut, pre-washed salads and frozen vegetables, which you can pop in your refrigerator. You can also purchase pre-cut vegetables and fruits or veggie trays.

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Exercises to do

To get the most benefits from a Total Health and Fitness diet, you should start by incorporating some exercise into your daily routine. Choosing an exercise that you enjoy will help you stick to it and see results more quickly. Incorporate some cardiovascular exercises, like cycling or jogging, into your routine on several days a week. Cycling improves your cardiovascular fitness, and can also help you lose weight. There are many stationary bikes available in gyms and at home.


A diet plan is a vital part of any health program. Following a diet plan that counts calories and does not satisfy you takes commitment and discipline. This program simplifies nutrition planning by creating dynamic meal plans, complete with detailed preparation instructions and shopping lists. It can even help you with dining out! But how do you know that it will actually work for you? Here are some tips to help you make a successful transition.

Registered dietitian

A registered dietitian will create a personalized nutrition plan for you based on your lifestyle, health status, and goals. They also understand that weight loss is not a one-size-fits-all plan. A registered dietitian specializes in the management of obesity and other health conditions. Her mission is to help you lose weight and improve your overall health.

A dietitian is trained to provide nutritional advice and education to people of all ages and backgrounds. During one-on-one counseling sessions, she can help clients set realistic goals and tailor a personalized game plan to meet their needs. Dietitians can also help clients stay motivated and accountable, and they can make modifications to their plans as needed. Registered dietitians generally work in a clinic, though some are virtual.

Naturopathic doctor

The naturopathic doctor’s total health and fitness diet meal plan focuses on addressing the body’s nutrient levels and other comorbid conditions. This includes the gastrointestinal tract, the endocrine system, and the individual’s psychologic stress level. Treatments may include nutritional supplements, herbal medicines, and judicious use of bioidentical hormone therapy. Diet and exercise recommendations are also common. Treatments may include counseling on stress management and diet modification.

This diet follows the six guiding principles of naturopathic medicine, which include the prevention of disease and the maintenance of overall health. The typical meal consists of fifty percent organic vegetables, 25 percent whole grains, and 25 percent protein. Meals may also include nuts and seeds. If your doctor recommends a particular diet plan, ask the doctor about it before you decide to adopt it.